Tuesday, 16 October 2012

6 Culture Indonesia Admits That The International

In recent times there has been a claim-claiming various Indonesian cultures by Malaysia. After so long, finally the struggle to gain recognition internationally UNESCO also finally achieved. And the recognition that, Malaysia was supposed to feel ashamed.

These are cultures that are recognized by UNESCO as Indonesian culture, among others:

1. Shadowgraph

UNESCO on November 7, 2003 has DECIDED that PUPPET SKIN is a world cultural heritage FROM INDONESIA.

Minister of Culture and Tourism I Gede Ardika said, since 7 November 2003 Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has recognized the puppet as a World Master Piece of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity.


United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), which is an educational and cultural organization of the United Nations (UN) confirmed KERIS INDONESIA as a masterpiece heritage of humanity belongs to all nations of the world. "The world has acknowledged the existence of Indonesian kris, once awarded the world since 25 November 2005," said the founder and Director of the Neka Museum Ubud, Pande Wayan Neka Suteja, Thursday (17/7).


Indonesia's struggle to gain recognition for batik as world cultural heritage native to Indonesia was not in vain. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) will certainly reinforce the tradition of batik as one of the world's cultural heritage ORIGINAL INDONESIA October 2009 in France.

As stated by the Director-General of Culture Value, Arts and Film Department of Culture and Tourism, Tjetjep Suparman in Surakarta, Tuesday (06/02/2009). "It took three years for filing," he said. Previously, wayang and kris have also received the same recognition from UNESCO recently.

"Six countries that are representative of UNESCO has conducted an assessment of batik culture," said Tjetjep. After reviewing and verifying the past three years, there is finally recognition of the culture of batik as a cultural OWNED INDONESIA. "Its adoption on 28 September 2009 tomorrow," said Tjetjep. While the inauguration will be done on October 2, 2009 in France.

Meanwhile, private companies documentary filmmaker from Malaysia, the KRU Sdn. Bhd.. has made a movie called "Batik". There explained that Malaysian batik FROM JAVA BATIK which has been designed according to the Malay culture in Malaysia. Similarly, the history of Javanese batik coming to the country of Malaysia.

There is one more important thing: NEVER MALAYSIA BATIK patenting, because OWNED BATIK INDONESIA. Its patented by Malaysia ONLY motifs and patterns, NOT batik. "We've talked with the Malaysian culture and they say they were never patented batik. The patented motives and his feature, "said Secretary of Information & Public Relations Embassy in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Eka A Suripto, Friday (11/16/2007). Eka claimed to have seen a motif or pattern patented Malaysia and a different shape. "The motive Malaysia rare. Unless we can prove it. He did not dare to wear batik Solo or Pekalongan, "he added.

Although Malaysia is not patented though batik, the GOI still MUST BATIK patenting to UNESCO - the United Nations to anticipate a claim batik by foreign countries in the future. And establishment and inauguration is planned to be held on 28 September 2009 and October 2, 2009 in Paris, France.

4. Rasa Sayange

Rasa Sayange

Sense of affection Sayange Sayange ... ...
Eeee see from afar with love Sayange

Where the deer will be pursued, try looking into the market ...
Studious young, had great fun self
The Koran Amat finished, recite the Qur'an at dawn ...
Let slow home safely, it was chased mountain run
If there are wells in the field, we should ride the bath ...
If I was there long, may we meet again

The Malaysian government finally given up on the song Rasa Sayange polemic. Minister of Culture, Arts and Heritage Malaysia Rais Yatim has met with the Minister of Culture and Tourism Jero Wacik. During the meeting, MALAYSIA Sayange ADMIT GUILT IS OWNED song INDONESIA.

DPP Chairman of the Union of Artists Singer, Composer, and Playground Music Recordings Indonesia (PAPPRI) Oratmangun Dharma said, during a visit to Malaysia, was born Wacik and understanding between Rais Yatim. "The issue of the song Rasa Sayange completed. By de facto, Malaysia recognizes it belongs to Indonesia, "said Dharma on November 12, 2007.


The Malaysian government finally ADMIT THAT ARE OWNED REOG PONOROGO INDONESIA. However, it has been propagated in culture Johor and Selangor Ponorogo society living in Malaysia since many years ago.

"Reog still OWNED NATION INDONESIA," said Malaysian Ambassador to Indonesia Mohammad Zainal Abidin Zin from the car speakers belonging protestors, in front of the Embassy of Malaysia, Jalan HR Rasuna Said, South Jakarta, Thursday, November 29, 2007.

Zainal who wore blue koko, it also confirms the history of the development of Reog Ponorogo in Malaysia called Dance Barongan.

"Historically people of Ponorogo been moved to Johor and Selangor. Children and grandchildren of these people develop Reog Ponorogo culture they brought from Ponorogo. Still, the origin of this culture still OWNED NATION INDONESIA, "he explained.

6. Pendet

Keep in mind here that the Royal Malaysian NEVER CLAIMED Pendet as the culture of the country of origin. Malaysian tourism ad featuring Pendet is MADE BY PRIVATE, the Discovery Channel, based in Singapore. Discovery Channel Singapore did not have any relations with the Malaysian government.

Discovery Channel Singapore had already apologized for the omission, and made it clear that Pendet is OWNED INDONESIA, NOT PROPERTY MALAYSIA.

Thus, Pendet that appears in a promotional film Enigmatic Malaysia is not a promotional tour of Malaysia. Nor is produced and funded by the ministry of tourism, ministry of culture PH Malaysia or Malaysia, but is made by Discovery Channel, based in Singapore.

DC Asia Inc had already admitted that the error is on the staff part of their promotion. DC Asia Inc was already expressed an apology for the error to the tourism ministry in Indonesia.

Malaysia has claimed the allegations Pendet dance of Bali that is not true. And DC states Pendet dance belongs to Malaysia is also not correct, that it is indeed Pendet dance of Indonesia and Bali.

Now look who's bener already and who is not. We need not make violent invective. What matters is how we can love and preserve our cultural heritage so as not stolen by other countries.

UNESCO plans to inaugurate batik in Paris, October 2, 2009, let us all wear batik, to appreciate the work of our government and eventually batik is recognized by the international community.

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