Monday 22 October 2012

Boros is a brother of Satan

"And do not squander (your wealth) is wasteful. Indeed, it is a spendthrift-spendthrift brothers devil. "(Surat al-Isro ': 26-27).

Ibn Mas'ud and Ibn 'Abbas said, "Tabdzir (waste) is menginfakkan something not on the right path."
Mujahid said, "If someone menginfakkan entire estate in the right way, it is not tabdzir (waste). But if someone menginfakkan the mud only (size of your palm) in the wrong way, it was called tabdzir (waste). "

Qotadah said, "The name tabdzir (waste) is issuing a living in a sinner in God, in the wrong way and the way to do mischief." (Tafsir Al-Quran Al 'Azhim, 8: 474-475).

Ibn al-Jawzi said that is wasteful no two opinions among the scholars:

Boros means menginfakkan property is not on the right path. It can be seen in the words of the expert commentary mentioned above.
Boros means abuse and other forms of waste possessions. Abu 'Ubaidah said, "Mubazzir (wasteful people) are people who abuse, destructive and a waste of treasure." (Zaadul Masiir, 5: 27-28)

Why You Called Satan??
Ibn Kathir rahimahullah said, "God wants to make people avoid wasteful attitude by saying:" And do not squander (your wealth) is wasteful. Indeed, it is a spendthrift-spendthrift brothers devil ". It is said that because people are being wasteful like the devil in this case.
Ibn Kathir said, "because the devil brothers Called wasteful and squandering wealth will lead to leave obedience to God and fall into sin." (Tafsir Al-Quran Al 'Azhim, 8: 475)
In Jalalain interpretation stated that the wasteful, they have followed the path of the devil so referred to in paragraph they are brothers of Satan. (Tafsir Al Jalalain, 294)
As Shaykh Sa'di rahimahullah said, "The man who called his extravagant devil because the devil does not bring anything other than reprehensible. Satan invites people to live cheap and wasteful or extravagant. Yet God commands us to be modest and middle (not extravagant and not too stingy). As Allah Ta'ala says,
والذين إذا أنفقوا لم يسرفوا ولم يقتروا وكان بين ذلك قواما
"And those who when they spend (property), they are not excessive, and not (also) a miser, and is (spending it) in the middle between the way." (Surat al-Furqan: 67). (Taisir Al Karimir Rohman, 456)
By meditating on this verse, we will understand that buying one for a smoked cigarette butts or buy one glass of whiskey, it's called wasteful because it has distributed wealth to the wrong path.
O Allah, grant us humble attitude in life and not be lured to the glitter of the world. Aamiin.

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