Saturday 20 October 2012

Virtue On Friday

There are some traditions that mention the virtue of Friday. Among them:

Friday is the feast day of each week
1. From Abu Hurayrah, that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,
معاشر المسلمين, إن هذا يوم جعله الله لكم عيدا, فاغتسلوا, وعليكم بالسواك
"O Muslims, in fact today is the day that made by God as a feast for you. Therefore, you should wash and brush my teeth. "(Hr Tabarani in al-Sagheer Mu'jam, and judged authentic by Al-Albani)
2. From Abu Hurayrah, that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,
إن يوم الجمعة يوم عيد, فلا تجعلوا يوم عيدكم يوم صيامكم, إلا أن تصوموا قبله أو بعده
"Verily, Friday is a holiday. Having said that, do not you make your holiday as a day of fasting unless you fast before or after Friday. "(Hr Ahmad and Justice; rated valid by Shoaib Al-Arnauth)

Friday is "yaumul mazid" (extra day) for the people of Paradise
From Anas ibn Malik radhiallahu 'anhu, that the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said,
Gabriel never came, and in his hand there was something like a white glass. In the glass, there is a black dot. I asked, "O Jibreel, what is this?" He replied, "It's Friday." I asked again, "What do you mean Friday?" Gabriel said, "You get the goodness in it." I asked, "What are we get on Friday? "he replied," a Friday the feast for you and for your people after you. Meanwhile, the Jews and the Christians follow (Saturday-Sunday feast.) "I asked," What else we got on Friday? "He replied," In it, there is a chance of time, if there is a Muslim slave prays to coincide with time, for the affairs of the world as well as the afterlife, and it becomes its quota in the world, then surely Allah grant his prayer. If it's not a quota then God save him with a better form of matter that he asked for, or she was protected and spared the ugliness that is destined to happen to him, whose value is greater than his prayer. "I asked again," What is this black spot? " He replied, "This is the end of the world, which will take place on Friday. Today is another day leaders in our opinion. We call it "yaumul mazid", additional days on the Day of Resurrection. "I asked," Why? "He replied," Because your Lord, Allah, making the valley of white fragrant oils. When Friday comes, He is the One who Glorified illiyin down from above his seat. Then, the chair surrounded by gold are adorned with various jewels. Then came the prophets, and they sat on the pulpit. Then came the hosts of heaven from their room, and sat down on the sand dunes. And then, your Lord, Allah, the Glorified again Supreme Essence, reveals Himself to them, and said, "Ask, and certainly I give you!" Then they asked Him pleasure. Allah also says, "My Ridha is I halalkan to you my house, and I make you gather my chairs. Therefore, ask, would I give! "They asked him. Then God testified to them that God was pleased with them. Finally, dibukakanlah something for those who have never seen the eye, the ear has ever heard, and it never crossed his heart. And it happened during your activities on Friday .... so there is nothing more they look forward, beyond Friday, so they could more often see their Rabb and get extra pleasure from him. "(Hr Ibn Abi Syaibah, Thabrani in Al-Ausath, Abu Ya'la in Al-Musnad, and the status of hasan or valid, as the description of Muhammad Abdul Quddus Nadzir)

Terlarangnya fasting if done on Friday only
It is forbidden for a Muslim to perform fasting on Friday alone, but when the day Thursday, he did not fast, and on Saturday, he was not fasting.
1. From Abu Hurayrah, he heard the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,
لا يصومن أحدكم يوم الجمعة, إلا يوما قبله أو بعده
"Do not fast on Friday unless it has fasted the day before or the day after that will be fasting." (Bukhari and Muslim)
2. From Abu Hurayrah; he said,
نهى رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم أن يفرد يوم الجمعة بصوم
"Allah's Apostle sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam forbade isolate Friday for fasting." (Hr Ahmad; sanadnya rated valid by Shoaib Al-Arnauth)
3. From Junadah Al-Azdi; he said,
دخلت على رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم في سبعة نفر من الأزد أنا ثامنهم يوم الجمعة ونحن صيام فدعانا رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم إلى طعام بين يديه فقلنا انا صيام قال هل صمتم أمس قلنا لا قال فهل تصومون غدا قلنا لا قال فافطروا ثم خرج إلى الجمعة فلما جلس على المنبر دعا بإناء من ماء فشربه والناس ينظرون إليه ليعلمهم أنه لا يصوم يوم الجمعة
"I went to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam on Friday with seven other people from the tribe of Azd, and I was the eighth. At that time, we are fasting. Then, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam invited us to eat in front of him. We were saying, 'I am fasting.' He asked, 'Are you fasting today? "We said,' No. 'He asked,' Are you going to fast tomorrow?" We said, 'No.' Then he said, 'Break your fast!' Then he left Friday prayers. When he was in the pulpit, he asked for water brought, and then he drank and people see it, to teach them that he did not fast on Friday. "(Hr Ibn Abi Syaibah; rated authentic by Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar)
4. Of Ummul Mu'mineen bint Al-Harith Juwairiyah radhiallahu 'anha; Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam meet on Friday, while he was fasting. He asked, "Did you fast yesterday?" He answered, "No." He asked, 'Do you want to fast tomorrow? "He replied," No. "He said," Break your fast "(Bukhari, Abu Dawud, and Ibn Abi Syaibah)
5. Of Laila, the wife of Bashir radhiallahu 'anhuma; he said, "Indeed, Bashir asked the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam, 'Can I fasted on Friday and did not talk to anyone on that day?' The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam replied ,
لا تصم يوم الجمعة الا في أيام هو أحدها أو في شهر وأما أن لا تكلم أحدا فلعمرى لأن تكلم بمعروف وتنهى عن منكر خير من ان تسكت
'Do you fast on Friday unless you fast for a few days-one of which was a Friday-or fasting month. As for you who do not want to talk to anyone that you talk really doing good and forbidding the evil that it is better than you dwell. "(Hr Ahmad, Thabrani in Mu'jam Al-Kabir, and Baihaqi; assessed sahih by al- Albani)

Not to be specialized for the Friday night prayers
Some people think that we are encouraged to pray reproduce tahajud on Friday night because tonight has many virtues. This assumption is a false assumption because the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, has forbidden us to specialize Friday night for worship.
1. From Abu Hurayrah; Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,
لا تختصوا ليلة الجمعة بقيام من بين الليالي ولا تخصوا يوم الجمعة بصيام من بين الأيام إلا أن يكون في صوم يصومه أحدكم
"Do you specialize tahajud Friday night and left for another night. Do not be too specialized to fast during the day, except in a series of fast guys. "(Hr Muslim)
2. From Muhammad ibn Sirrin; he said,
Previously, Abu Darda 'turn Friday night with worship, and his fast during the day. Once, Salman came-and the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam was bring together both-and then he slept in his home. Salman paid attention to Abu Darda 'and not let him, until Abu Darda' sleep and not fasting. Then came Abu Darda 'to the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam and telling encounter with Salman. Then, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "O Uwaimir (real name Abu Darda'), Salman knows better than you. Do not specialize Friday night to pray and to fast during the day. "(Hr Abdurrazaq in Al-Mushannaf)

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