Saturday 20 October 2012

Sacred Sticks Bung Karno contested

Echoes of the centenary of Sukarno would seemingly vanished. Multitude of activities that begins before birth, June 6, is always lively. Agenda of the youngest, the exhibition "Meet Bung Karno" in Pattern Building, Jalan Proclamation, Central Jakarta, also received extraordinary attention from the public. Showcase relics Bung Karno, which runs until 15 September, it was crowded with visitors no less than 5,000 people every day.

The exhibition seemed to overthrow the Bung Karno as someone who seemingly everlasting. Until, trivia devices Bung Karno was sacred admirers weight. Not a few are called heirloom. Includes "baton case Bung Karno" dragging Lia Aminuddin, Salamullah figures, to court last Wednesday.

Because that eliminate stick Bung Karno, Lia Rudi Fachrudin sued, claiming the "heir" of the stick. After all, many people doubted how juntrungannya sacred stick went into the hands Rudi. Moreover, the so-called Bung Karno baton, according to Ismail Enong, inventory team members exhibit "Meet Bung Karno", yes, just one.

The baton is now on display at the V Building floor pattern. While dozens of others that are stored at the State Palace is normal stick, giving leaders of friendly countries, when Sukarno was still the president. Even so, the holder of many emerging Soekarno baton. They claim to be the original sticks, complete with history and miracle stories.

Koeshartadi, for example. Businessman from Surabaya is claimed to have had nicknamed stumps stick Drajat Ndaru Puspito-straight cantilever milestone flower hunt results in 1990. His form is much different than the wand of Rudi. Stubble has a metal body of the 40-inch brown. At the top, the color is younger than his subordinates.

Hunters claim that occult objects stick his stumps is the original. "Historically the most obvious," said board areas Pencak Silat Indonesia's East Java. The meaning of history by Koeshartadi apparently not far from the mystical world of common sense that is difficult to digest.

According to Justin, the stumps are ever held the baton Mahapatih Majapahit, Gajah Mada. Origin, it is said, was made professor Barada, keris famous in the era of King Airlangga, 10 centuries ago. Onwards, the baton increasingly improbable journey, which could not find the reference of the historian.

Justin Amendment mysticism that it tells that the stick had gone to moksha-faerie-before suddenly appeared in Blitar, East Java. Justin roam all over the land of Java to get heirloom Bung Karno. But he only met one item, so stick to it earlier.

Encounter with the cane, said Koes, through a citizen Blitar obscure origin. He bought it for millions of dollars. Although ultimately, the stick is removed Koes, because he was not entitled to have it. However, Koes keep buyers and bes-arnya "dowry" replacement stick.

Romo saga version Yoso stick, figure Brigade X Malang case claiming bead Bung Karno, more bizarre. Soekarno-owned collection of sacred Yoso Romo did not just stick. In addition to the three shoots sticks, Romo Yoso also admitted to having a gold eagle, Kiai Sengkelad sword, dagger and Setro Nogo Sosro Banyu, and the multitude of strange names called Romo Yoso as sacred items Bung Karno.

Strangely, all the goods are obtained from the hermitage Romo Yoso in caves that are considered sacred. "All the treasures of the archipelago belong to Bung Karno I already have," said Romo Yoso, a treasure hunt Sukarno since 11 years ago.

The existence of the middle of nowhere that sticks in contrast to testimony Kanjeng Raden Haryo Tumenggung Hardjonagoro, senior cultural experts Surakartahadiningrat palace. Hardjonagoro recall, known to be close to the Soekarno in the early 1960s, Bung Karno stick collection numbers about 10. Basic ingredients of wood. "Some of sandalwood, ivory, roots bahar, and combined with sungu," said the palace courtiers who had the original name Go Tik Swan's.

Unfortunately, declined to elaborate Hardjonagoro's original stick form that Bung Karno. "I just want to say to Mrs. Megawati," he said. Gusti Raden Ayu Koes Moertiyah, daughter of the king of Surakarta Pakubowono XII, doubted the authenticity of the relics Bung Karno circulating in the community. PDI-P legislator was suspect, possessions famous personalities such as Sukarno were just the commodities business.

As the incident last month, when Gusti Mung, her nickname, a visitor named Salimi carrying a keris. According to Gusti Mung Salimi, kris got "line relatives" with kris Bung Karno. Salimi intends to submit Kris to Megawati by Gusti Mung.

Salimi request was rejected Gusti Mung. "The man had a dishonest intention," he said. Gusti Mung sure, if followed, ultimately only a matter of money. Typically, they said Gusti Mung, they will ask money for the cost of salvation, the amount of millions of dollars.

As a lucrative commodity, in the eyes of the hunter, not unlike Sukarno relic treasures. In addition to heirloom, Sukarno mentioned also save funds intangible revolution and millions of pounds of gold bullion in the Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS), Switzerland. Tersebutlah Gunarjo and Pujo Warno, treasure hunters "inherited" it.

Gunarjo, founder of educational institutions Gama 81, Yogyakarta, supposedly wasting money up to USD 4 billion to liquefy deposits of Sukarno, in the period 1988-1990. Men from Solo is believed, the assets on behalf of Mr. Sukarno in Swiss banks are true. In the UBS certificate, bullion weight listed Sukarno reached 72,000 tons. However, this property can not be cashed. "They have a rule that can not be penetrated," he said at the time.

Information Bung Karno gold deposits were also dragged Pujo Warno, cement businessman from Jakarta, to mengubernya. Gold Warno Pujo version number "only" 4.5 tons. Even though they come to UBS, which is believed to be a storage area, Pujo home empty-handed.

Sultan of Sulu Philippines, Maulana Jamalul Kiram III, was deceived Soekarno bullion issues. He was tempted to buy gold certificates Soekarno at UBS, which held Parman, residents Klaten, in April last year. Money $ 7 million has been handed over to Parman, uh, it turns out, the certificate is false.

Could be, stick and dagger relic Soekarno the fuss people are mere mock objects. Guruh Soekarnoputra himself believed, and cultural relics scattered Soekarno nobody in the community. "If anything, it should be clear proof," said the youngest of five brothers from Soekarno's wife, Fatmawati, was to Goddess Sri Utami of Gatra.

Apparently, the issue of hunting-hunting treasures Sukarno, according to Prof. Dr. Simuh, backed more mystical. In his observations, Sukarno considered unclean figure of mystique. "The stuff that Sukarno's leadership style representation of the kingdom, which is believed to be powerful magic," said the expert syncretism is also a professor of the Faculty of Islamic State Islamic Institute Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta,

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