Monday 22 October 2012

A Brief History of Sultanate of Banten (Establishment Phase to Phase Golden Age)

As the area as well as a nation, Jakarta has long been known in the world map. Various foreign sources mention Banten (then known as Bantam) as one of the few areas that became their shipping routes, ranging from Chinese sources called Shung Peng Sung Hsiang (1430), until news of Tome Pires (1512). Even in a variety of literature sources archipelago, Banten known by various names such as: Wahanten Girang in manuscript Parahiyangan Carita (1580), Medanggili in Tambo Tulangbawang, Primbon Bayah, and news China (13th century) and others.

Various sources are least able to describe how Banten in the past was an area with a very lively port town, and with an open and prosperous. Banten its international trade routes, interact with the outside world since the early centuries AD. Possible in the 7th century Banten has become an international port. And logical consequences, Islam is believed to have entered and acculturated to the local culture, as told in the news Tome Pires in 1513.

Banten Islamization process, which begins by Sunan Ampel, then forwarded by Sharif Hidayatullah (Sunan Gunung Jati) that the whole story is recorded in Carita Purwaka Caruban Nagari script. Phase historically important strong Islamic influence occurs when the Regent of Bantam marry his sister, who was named Nyai Kawunganten, with Sharif Hidayatullah who later gave birth to two children, named Ratu Ayu and Hasanuddin Wulung the beginning phase of the history of the embryo as the Sultanate of Banten Banten (Djajadiningrat, 1983:161 ). Together with his son is Sunan Gunung Jati expand influence in spreading Islam throughout tatar Sunda until the time the mayor back to Cirebon.

King shoots conquest General in Wahanten Girang (now known by the region in Sub Bantam Girang Cipocok Jaya City Attack - Wahanten Girang is part of the territory of the Kingdom of Padjadjaran centered Pakuan - now known by the region Pakuan Bogor) in 1525 subsequent to the commencement milestone era as the Sultanate of Banten Banten Banten removal from the Central Government to the Inland Coast on 1st Muharam 933 Hijri which coincides with the date of October 8, 1526 (MicroB and Chudari, 1993:61).

The understanding of deep geo-political positioning Sunan Gunung Jati Palace, Castle, Market and Square to be built near kuala Bantam River which later was named Sultan Surosowan. In just 26 years, Bantam grow and progress, and in 1552 AD, Banten, which was only a duchy transformed into state of the Sultanate of Demak with dinobatkannya Hasanuddin as Sultan of the Sultanate of Banten with his Maulanan Hasanuddin Panembahan Surosowan (Pudjiastuti, 2006: 61).

When it was a center of the Sultanate of Banten, as reported by J. de Barros, Banten is a major port in Java, parallel to the waterway. City of Banten is located in mid-coast of a bay (bay Banten), a spread of up to three miles. The city is 850 fathoms in length. In the seaside town 400 fathoms in length, into his longer. Through the middle of town there is a crystal clear river, where the ship type and gale junks could sail inside. Throughout the suburbs there is a tributary, the river is not how large it was only small boats are sailing in. On the outskirts of town there is a fortress whose walls were made of brick and seven palms wide. Defense buildings made of wood, consisting of two levels, and armed with good weapons. In the middle of the town square are used for the benefit of military activities and folk art and as a market in the morning. Sultan Palace is located in the southern part of the square. Beside it is elevated and flat building roofs, called Srimanganti, which is used as the Sultan came face to face with his people. In the west-square alaun established a Grand Mosque (Djajadiningrat, 1983:84).

At the beginning of the 17th century AD, Banten is one important commercial center in the path of international commerce in Asia. Tata modern administrative government and harbor are very favorable to the growth of the economy. When the Dutch arrived in Metro Manila for the first time, the Portuguese have long entered the Banten. Then the British established lodges in Banten, followed by the Dutch.

Moreover, the people of France and Denmark has ever come in Banten. In the competition between the European traders, the Dutch emerged as the winner. The Portuguese escape from Banten (1601), after their fleet was destroyed by the Dutch fleet off the coast of Banten. The English were excluded from the Batavia (1619) and Bantam (1684) due to the actions of the Dutch (Ekadjati (ed.), 1984:97).

The realization of the interaction of culture and public disclosure Banten past can be seen from the development of township residents from different areas such as the Malay archipelago, Ternate, Banjar, Banda, Bugis, Makassar, and from Java itself as well as a variety of nations outside the archipelago such as Pegu (Burma ), Siam, Persia, Arab, Turkish, Bengali, and Chinese (Leur, 1960:133-134; Tjiptoatmodjo, 1983:64). At least it's a fact of history that helped to contribute to the greatness and glory of Banten.

In an attempt to build Banten, Banten Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin as the first (1552-1570), focusing on the development of trade with pepper as the main commodities taken from Bantam own and other areas in Banten territory, the White Rose, Lampung, and that is farthest from Bengkulu (Tjandrasasmita, 1975:323).

The expansion effect is also a concern Sultan Hasanuddin by sending expeditions into the interior and other ports. Sunda Kelapa as one of the largest ports conquered in 1527 and the conquest of Sunda Kelapa be "Jayakarta" (after falling into the hands of the Dutch VOC changed to Batavia and then changed again to Jakarta). With the conquest of Sunda Kelapa, Jakarta plays a strategic role in the pepper trade that also frustrate the Portuguese under the leadership of Henrique de Leme in its efforts to establish cooperation with the King of Sunda / Padjadjaran (Kartodirdjo, 1992:33-34). Sunda Kelapa is a major Ports Padjadjaran Empire, the fall of Sunda Kelapa to the Sultanate of Banten crown Padjadjaran practically lost its main coastal areas that were previously the Port Caruban by the Sultanate of Demak and then the establishment of the Sultanate of Cirebon. Previous kingdom Padjadjaran want cooperation with the Portuguese people to confront the influence of the Sultanate and the Sultanate of Banten Cirebon in northern coastal areas.

Post the death of Maulana Hasanuddin, followed by Maulana Yusuf administration (1570-1580), first son of Ratu Ayu Kirana, the daughter of the Sultan of Demak. Banten is becoming widespread notoriety when political expansion also managed to conquer the kingdom Padjadjaran Pakuan assisted by the Sultanate of Cirebon in 1579 so that the Kingdom of Padjadjaran finally completely collapsed (Atja, 1986: 151-152, 189).

In the reign of Maulana Yusuf, the agricultural sector is growing rapidly and extends up through the area Attack now, while to meet the needs of water for the rice fields were made canal irrigation and dams. Lakes (artificial) Tasikardi a source of clean water for meeting the needs of city residents, as well as a source of irrigation for paddy areas around the city. Water filtration system with the deposition method in pengindelan brother and white pengindelan evidence advanced water technology at that time.

At the time of Maulana Yusuf ruled, trade Banten Banten are very advanced and can be considered as a port city emperium, where trade goods from around the world digudangkan and then distributed (Michrob and Chudari, 1993:82-83). Growth and development of settlements of foreign arrivals occurred during this period. Kampung Pekojan example to Arab traders, Gujarat, Egypt, and Turkey, which lies to the west of Market Karangantu. Kampung Chinatown for the Chinese traders, which lies to the west of the Great Mosque of Banten.

Banten heyday then referred by the death of Maulana Maulana Muhammad Yusuf post in 1580. Maulana Muhammad sultan known as a very pious. For the sake of the spread of Islam he wrote many books of Islam which were distributed to those in need. Welfare mosques and religious excellent color quality of life even though his reign did not last long because of his tragic death in the war in Palembang in 1596 in a very young age, around 25 years old.

Post the death of Maulana Muhammad Banten having a declination when conflicts and civil wars imperial family coloring especially during custody Abul Mafakhir Mahmud Abdul Kadir, who was only five months old when his father died. The highlight of the event led to the civil war Pailir, and thereafter began to re-organize themselves Banten.

With the expiration of the Sultan Muda custody in January 1624, the Sultan Abul Mafakhir Mahmud Abdul Kadir was appointed Sultan of Banten (1596-1651). The new Sultan was known as a wise and a lot of attention to the interests of its people. Agriculture, shipping, and health care facilities received major attention from the Sultan of Banten. He managed to establish diplomatic relations with other countries, particularly the Islamic countries. He was the first ruler of Banten who received the title of Sultan of Arab rulers in Mecca (1636). Sultan Abdulmufakhir act firmly against anyone who would impose their will on Banten. Rejecting the will VOC want to impose trade monopoly in Banten (Ekadjati (ed.), 1984:97-98). This policy and the practical consequences of his reign marked by tension until the blockade by the VOC to Banten.

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