Friday 19 October 2012

Diet is the Best Diet Prophet Muhammad SAW

Since we were born is a figure that should be our role models in action in any circumstances. He was the Prophet Muhammad SAW.Sehendaknya we can emulate and imitate all his habits. Included in the diet, because diet is the best Messenger. Here is a Prophet diet.

1. Reading basmalah when to eat, and ended by reading hamdalah.
Perhaps wisdom read basmalah hamdalah is a Muslim and always remember that the food eaten nothing but the favor and grace of God the Most Gentle and omniscient. He will avoid excessive attitude and mubadzir. A Muslim will always realize that food is not the ultimate goal, but the means to add power to the head of obedience to God, and sprinkled earth prosper with kindness.

2. Washing hands before and after eating.
The Prophet said:
Anyone who was asleep in her arms are ex-lard, and then when you wake up in the morning he had a disease, then he should not reproach but themselves?.
The Prophet himself if you want to eat always wash hands first, as described in the hadeeth narrated Nasa? I from A'ishah.

3. Avoiding excessive and greedy attitude.
Eating is an obligation. By eating a Muslim gain strength for worship. In a hadith narrated by Bukhari and Muslim from Abdullah ibn Umar:
Indeed, your body has a right to be you meet?.
However, we must remember the limits in foods, ie away from the excesses and greed.
There are so many arguments that emphasize this. Allah in Sura al-Al - Araf verse 31 says:
 Eat and drink, but do not be excessive. Allah loves not those who exaggerated?.
And also in a letter Taha verse 81:
Eat between good sustenance which We have given to you, and do not exceed it?.
While the Prophet himself had ordered to set meal times and sticking to ethics, as the words he:
 We are people who do not eat until after hungry, and if we did not eat until you are full?.
He also said:
 It is not the child of Adam fills a container worse than his stomach. Actually a few mouthfuls is enough to enforce his ribs. If he must fill it, then one-third for food, one-third for drink and one-third to breathe?. (Narrated Turmudzi, Ibn Majah, and Muslim)
That is actually minimal amounts of food was enough for him to meet basic needs. In the hadith narrated by Bukhari, Muslim, Ibn Majah, Imam Ahmad and Darimi, the Messenger of Allah also said:
The food of the people is enough for two people, two people enough food for four people, and the food is actually quite four to eight people?.
In another hadith stated:
 Fact including exaggerated attitude when you eat anything you want?. (Reported by Ibn Majah)
He also said:
 A believer with an intestinal meal, while eating with Gentiles seven intestines?. (Narrated by Muslim, Turmudzi, Ahmad, and Ibn Majah)

4. Eating with three fingers.
With three fingers means we have to be balanced. As it is said that eating with five fingers showing greed, while eating with one or two fingers showed arrogance and hubris.

5. Sitting upright while eating and not lean.
Prophet forbade a person eats while leaning as endangering the health and interfere with the digestive stomach.

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