Thursday, 18 October 2012

Hadith of Prophet Muhammad salla'llahu 'alaihi wassalama, Ocean Affairs and the Palembang Darussalam

In the Malay history and saga Kings Pasai, there is a hadith that mentions the Prophet ordered his companions to preach at a place called Ocean, which will happen soon in the future.

"... At the time of the Prophet Muhammad Rasool Allah salla'llahu 'alaihi wassalama again when Hadhrat mighty noble intent, then the words of the king he is the best friend in Mecca, the Prophet's words of the king," that after me there is a country on the ocean breeze name. If there heard khabar country we told you (provide) a ship carrying tools and you bring people in the country (that) embraced Islam and say two sentences creed. Syahdan, (again) will be Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala in most of the country than any Wali Allah into the country "....

The Malay historians estimate the ocean state in question is the kingdom of Samudra Pasai, but this opinion is not without flaws, this is because the kingdom of Samudra Pasai emerged 600 years after the death of the Prophet.

Alleged that the land in question is a maritime country surrounded by oceans, which reached a golden age to about 50 years after his death, which is known by the name of Srivijaya.

Sriwijaya and Islamic Da'wah

Regardless of whether a relationship with a Hadith where the Prophet or not, Nusantara (which is the area surrounded by the ocean), has been used as a propaganda field, at a time when the Prophet was alive.

This can be proved by the discovery of tombstones Sheikh Rukunuddin in Barus (Fansur), which is thought to be one of the companions of Allah.

And as a maritime country, (Sriwijaya) appears, the Islamic da'wah in-intensify again. One of the written evidence, was the discovery of the letter, which contains correspondence between King Sriwijaya by Caliph Umar bin Abdul Aziz, in about the year 100H.

Palembang Darussalam City

Around the year 1993, Pierre-Yves Manguin observation and found that the center of Srivijaya was in the Musi River between Bukit Seguntang and Sabokingking (located in the city of Palembang, South Sumatra Province).

In its history, Palembang delivered many ulema and the Guardians GOD. Same we have seen, when standing Demak kingdom (the first Islamic kingdom in Java), which became the first sultan of Palembang-born son, named Raden Fatah.

Additionally Palembang is an area for the first time applied the written law which is based on Islamic law for the archipelago. It is as stated in the book Simbur Light, compiled by the Queen Sinuhun.

Around Palembang, at around 1650 AD (1072 AH), in pioneering Syech Nurqodim al Baharudin (Puyang crew), had gathered around 50 scholars from various areas, such as the Islamic Mataram Kingdom, Pagaruyung, Malacca, etc., resulting in several decisions, including the expansion bring the message of Islam in the archipelago.

And in this region also bore a prominent cleric Abdul Syech Shomad Al Palimbani (1704-1789), which is the most prominent scholars in the Malay-century 18M.

Through the work of Al-Jihad fi Fadha'il, has become the main source of many works concerning jihad in Aceh War, in addition to that he is also known to write some letters to the authorities in the archipelago, to conduct a holy war against the colonials.

And the list will get longer, if the Ulama and the Mayor GOD coming from other areas (outside Palembang Darussalam) in be admitted, such as Sumatra, Java, the Malay Peninsula and the other as his (the former also included in the Kedatuan Sriwijaya).

Could it be that the Ocean State, is the Messenger of Allah is the Srivijaya, centered around the River Musi?

Allaah a'lamu bishshawab


1. History expert, usually gives the following information ...

- Prophet's death, about the year 632 AD ...
- Sriwijaya stand, circa 500 AD till 670 AD,
- Samudra Pasai stand, circa 1267 AD ...

Srivijaya who was 600 years older than Pasai Ocean, the logical course ahead embrace Islam ...

For equally understood, in the kingdom of Samudra Pasai Aceh before, we know the existence of the Kingdom Jeumpa, and dipesisir West Sumatra, we know the City of Port Barus ...

Possible areas Jeumpa, Barus and Sriwijaya an early lands of Islam in the archipelago ...

However, from a third country, which is known to have a fairly wide area and is called the Nagara Maritime (Ocean), the largest is the kingdom of Sriwijaya ...

2. Srivijaya Empire has been around since 671 AD according to the records I Tsing, while Kedukan Bukit Inscription of the year 682 AD known empire under the leadership of Dapunta Hyang Jayanasa.

Estimated at around 500 AD, the kingdom of Srivijaya root embryo had begun to develop in the area around Bukit Siguntang.

And the golden era of Srivijaya, as the country's biggest maritime Southeast Asia, occurring in the 9th century AD At that time, Srivijaya was controlled in almost all kingdoms of Southeast Asia, among others: Sumatra, Java, the Malay Peninsula, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and the Philippines.

Sriwijaya also dominate the Malacca and Sunda, which makes it as controlling the spice trade routes and local trade.

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