Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Mount Tambora and Napoleon Bonaparte

When all eyes are on the events of the Titanic on April 15th is a 100-year sinking cruise ship, it is useful as a citizen of Indonesia do not forget the incident that took the lives of more and cause natural phenomenon that spread to continental Europe. The incident was horrifying eruption of Tambora.

As a result of this eruption had spread to continental Europe. This is the cause, high smoke eruption reached the stratosphere, at a height of more than 43 km. Ash particles fell 1 to 2 weeks after the eruption, but there are ash particles remain in the atmosphere for several months to several years at an altitude of 10-30 km. Wind longitude particles spread around the world, making the occurrence of the phenomenon. Colored sunsets and twilight seen in London, England between June 28 and July 2, 1815 and September 3 and October 7, 1815. Radiant light sunset sky appear orange or red in the sky near the horizon and purple or pink above.

Here's the story of Napoleon Bonaparte and Mount Tambora

Napoleon Bonaparte is said to have had its knees at the hands of England and Prussia. After three days of Tambora erupted, precisely on June 18, 1815, Napoleon caught the enemy throughout the day due to the weather worsened. Wet and rainy area. Whereas the French army at the time the game was heading for a battle.

Due to bad weather, the cannon wheels tractor stuck in mud. All vehicles can not be sped smoothly. The ground was slippery, snow-covered. Understandably, thick ash from the eruption of Mount Tambora still scattered in the atmosphere to block out the sunlight that falls to earth.

The war was a tragic Waterloo for Napoleon. The greatness of Napoleon in subduing his enemies over. He also surrendered. The general was then exiled to Saint Helena Island, a small island in the south Atlantic Ocean. On the remote island that he spent his time until death in 1821 due to attack cancer.

Kenneth Spink, an expert geologists theorize, that bad weather caused by the eruption of Mount Tambora be one trigger of the defeat of Napoleon. At a scientific meeting of Applied Geosciences in Warwick, UK (1996), Spink said that the eruption of Mount Tambora had a great impact on world climate order at that time, including bad weather in Waterloo in June 1815.

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