Tuesday 16 October 2012

7 People in The World of Mathematics

1. Thales (624-550 BC)

The first mathematician who formulated the theorem or proposition, it is getting more obvious after described by Euclid.

2. Pythagoras (582-496 BC)

trigger axioms, postulates that need to be spelled out in advance in developing geometry.
Not the man who invented the Pythagorean theorem, but he managed to make mathematical proofs. Pythagoras discovered the irrational numbers.

3. Socrates (427-347 BC)
philosophy of the Greeks. Round the teaching job creator, because it philosophy called idealism. His teachings are born because of interaction with the sophists. Plato was the first thinker who understands the nature receives not things.

4. Ecluides (325-265 BC)
Perhaps less well-known name, but he referred to as the "Father of Geometry" gan as find number theory and geometry. The subjects covered are the forms, the Pythagorean theorem, the algebraic equations, circles, tangents, the geometry of space, the theory of proportion and others. Eukluides finding tools such as ruler and the agan2 term use at school

5. Archimedes (287-212 BC)
Agan2 who had studied physics must know ya org. He applied the principles of physics and mathematics. And also find calculating π (pi) to calculate the area of ​​a circle. He was the greatest mathematician of all time, and in ancient times. Three works of Archimedes discusses plane geometry, the measurement cycle, the quadrature of the parabola and the spiral.

6. Appolonius (262-190 BC)
Less well too. But his concept of parabola, hyperbola, and ellipse many contribute to modern astronomy. He is a mathematician who specializes in geometry. Theorem Appolonius linking some elements in the triangle.

7. Diophantus (250-200 BC)
He is the "Father of Algebra" for developing Babylonian Babylonian algebra concepts. Works great Diophantus form arithmetic book, the first book written about algebra system. Preserved part of solving arithmetic Diophantus contains about 130 questions that generate the equations of first

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