Thursday 18 October 2012

Legal Issues Saying Greetings to Non-Muslims

Speech Assalaamu'alaikum contains one Asma 'Allah (Asmaul Husna) are only for His servants are Muslims. namely, lafadz As-Salam (Essence of the Supreme Provide reassurance / Safety).

There is an important principle in the interpretation jurisprudence, whereby if there is alif and lam in on isim type (such as humans, jinn, etc.) or log on isim properties (name properties), then it shows istigroqiyah, the show that covers the whole meaning of the type or nature of the entered .

In science Nahwu, lafadz As-Salam is a form isim ma'rifat obvious my goal (s).

In the Qur'an, Almighty Allah informs us that He is Allah, Al Malik, Al-'Alim, Al-Hakim, Al-Aziz, Al-Quddus, As-Salam.

Where on God lafazh contained the whole meaning Uluhiyyah (divinity), he is only One who has the right to at ibadahi.

In these words there is the whole nature of the perfect, all merit, virtue, goodness and no penyekutuan it, both from a class of angels, jinn, humans or the whole thing. Even all beings worship God with full submission to greatness.

Similarly, the nature of the As-Salam, which means the One Almighty Give Peace / Salvation to His people.

And other properties of the names of the great God, whose name is contained the perfection of nature and the beauty of the properties owned by the Almighty. So when we find the names of Allah, then it terbesit in our hearts that the meaning of the name indicates the perfection of nature.

Then the relationship with greetings (Assalaamu'alaikum) is if we say hello to Non-Muslims (Assalaamu'alaikum) means we give prayer (salvation) of God to the non-Muslim. While the religion of Islam forbids Muslims to pray for non-Muslims. Because Lakum Diinukum Waliyadiin.

Moreover, greeting addressed to non-Muslims meant harassing and degrading Beautiful Names Husna (Names of Allah the Great), since they are located and directed out of place. Meaning Assalaamu'alaikum itself is "May the salvation of God upon you.

That is the reason why we are forbidden to say Salam (Hello) to Non-Muslims.

For that we are Muslims required to learn about the rules of Arabic grammar (Nahwu and SHorof) in order to understand and be able to understand the content and the content of the Quran and Hadith. Because the Qur'an was revealed in Arabic, to understand it, we must learn the rules of the Arabic language, in order to understand the purpose of the verse was revealed, not by reading and understanding the translation.

SOLUTION: Say hello instead Assalaamu'alaikum, but could without using the alif lam Salaamu'alaikum (isim nakiroh) which means "May the Good". or it could be by saying "Good Morning", "Good afternoon", etc..

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